Minutes 9th January 2023
At a meeting of Eardington Parish Council held on 9th January, 2023
Present Mr.D.Hollyhead (Chairman), Mr.G.Gavin, , Mrs.C.Blaze, Mr.B.Williams,
Mr. G.Hollyhead, Mr.J.Hodgkins Mr.P.Williams
In attendance One Parishioner
Apologies There were no apologies.
Declarations of Interest Mr P.Williams declared an interest in Planning Application No 22/05493/FUL The Swan Inn, Knowle Sands and took no further part in the conversation.
Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated were taken as read and confirmed as a correct record.
Matters arising Problems with neighbour and police response. The PCSO had been invited to the meeting but unfortunately had not attended. The clerk would contact her to obtain a progress report on the problems.
Chairman The Chairman referred to various problems including Highways and recent Planning applications.
Unitary Councillor Cllr Tindall was unable to attend the meeting due to a medical condition
Village Hall Report There was no report
Correspondence All SALC and other circulars had been forwarded to Councillors
Councillors noted the documentation which had been forwarded from Shropshire Council in relation to the review being undertaken by the Boundary Commission for England 2023 relating to Shropshire. 12.17 TOWN AND PARISH COUNCIL BOUNDARY REVIEW Councillors noted the options to review parish boundaries but agreed that in the current circumstances no action need be considered.
History Book The clerk had obtained a copy of a History Book for £5 from Shropshire History department which covered Eardington and Quatt Parishes. It would be kept in the Parish and made available for any interested parishioners to read.
Highways Two dangerous potholes had appeared on B4555 one on the bend at the end of school Lane and one in Knowle Sands. They had been reported to Highway
Planning Consent for Application 22/03287/FUL erection of single-storey rear extension at Ansteys, Eardington.
Application 22/05493/FUL Change of use of a single Public House to a single residential dwelling at The Swan Inn, Knowle Sands, Bridgnorth, WV16 5JL Councillors objected to the proposals
Application 22/05335/LBC Erection of glazed link and single storey contemporary extension following the demolition of modern conservatory. At Moor Ridding Farm, Halfway House Lane Eardington WV16 6JP No objections .
Application 2203709/FUL Conversion of agricultural buildings to 4 dwellings, including demolition of two outbuildings and amendments to two landscaping, car parking, installation of package treatment plant and associated works, amendments to two barns previously approved at the North of Halfway house Lane No objections
Finance Clerk salary £866.66, HMRC £52.60, Lengthsman £550.
It was unanimously agreed that the above accounts be paid.
Request for grant towards Village Hall improvements. This request was thoroughly discussed and it was agreed that the P.C. should be charged rental for its meetings. The clerk said that the PC would help with any grant application made for the new car-park.
Confirmation of Precept 2023/4 This matter was thoroughly discussed but as information regarding the EMG (Lengthsman’s Grant) was not yet available from S.Council, it was not possible to set a figure. This would be done as soon as details were available.
Other Parish Matters The clerk was asked to invite the local Neighbourhood Team to attend the next meeting
Date of next Meeting, The next Meeting would be held on Monday 6th March, 2023.