The Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday, 17th May at 7.30pm in Eardington Village Hall
Please note that the Annual Parish Meeting will be held later in the year when the current Covid restrictions are eased. In the meantime, any Parishioner with questions for the Council should submit them in writing to the Clerk
Councillors are reminded it is a legal obligation that all declarations of pecuniary interests, bias or pre-determination in any matter under consideration by this council, should be made to the meeting whether or not the interest is entered in the register of member’s interests maintained by the Monitoring Officer. A Councillor with an interest may not speak on the subject and must leave the room during the discussion. All declarations will be recorded by the clerk.
- Apologies
2. Election of a) Chairman
b) Vice-chairman
2. Co-option of Councillors
4. Appointments a) Responsible Finance Officer The Clerk
b) Internal Auditor Mrs.S.Perks
5. Confirmation of competence of a) Clerk
b) Internal Auditor
6. Confirmation of adequacy of a) Standing Orders
b) Financial Regulations
7. Confirmation of Minutes of the last meeting
8. Reports County Councillor
9. Correspondence All SALC and other circulars have been forwarded to councillors
10. Highways
11. Planning Application 21/01433/FUL siting of static caravan at Rayland, Half way House Lane
12. Finance Clerk salary £804.66, HMRC £x, Lengthsman £550, . N.Oliver (plants flower boxes 2 years), I.C.O £40.00, IDH Web Ltd. (Web-site) £42
13. Annual Audit of Accounts
14. Date of Next Meeting 5th July,2021
Members of the public are encouraged to raise any issues of local concern with the Council, either via an approach to an individual councillor or The Clerk. The public are welcome to attend meetings of the Council but should note that they cannot normally participate in the meeting itself. However, where a matter is clearly of local concern, or in response to a specific request, it is our practice to temporarily suspend the formal meeting to allow members of the public to address councillors.
Eileen Reynolds
Clerk to the Parish Council