AGENDA Monday 6th March
Councillors are reminded it is a legal obligation that all declarations of pecuniary interests, bias or pre-determination in any matter under consideration by this council, should be made to the meeting whether or not the interest is entered in the register of member’s interests maintained by the Monitoring Officer. A Councillor with an interest may not speak on the subject and must leave the room during the discussion. All declarations will be recorded by the clerk.
The meeting will commence with an open session with local police officer P.C.Singh
- Apologies
- In attendance
- Confirmation of Minutes of the last meeting
4. Reports County Councillor
Village Hall
5. Correspondence All SALC circulars and other correspondence has been forwarded to councillors.
6. Highways Any further developments regarding Highways.
7. Planning Application 23/00204/FUL (Re-submission)
Proposed residential barn conversion to the North of Half Way House Lane to 4 dwellings including part demolition, landscaping, car parking, installation of package treatment plant with associated works.
8. Finance Clerk salary £866.66, HMRC £52.60, Lengthsman £550.
Confirmation of Precept 2023/4
9. Any business for next agenda
10. Date of next meeting Annual Parish and Annual General Meeting, Monday, 15th May 2023